★T.I.Pの脱退〜そして 5月13日金曜日と6月11日土曜日!〜(I left T.I.P 〜Friday the 13th May and Saturday the 11th June!)★

既に前のLIVEのご案内Blogの見出しと僕のTwitterではお知らせしましたが、4/30(土曜日)に阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Visionで行う予定だった、「T.I.P(The Important Promise)」の1st LIVEが、dancerMAKIとのスケジュールの問題と諸事情により、中止になった事を、





ソロライブを阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Visionで演る事が決まりました。

その前(2つ前のBlogでもお伝えしましたが)5/13金曜日に渋谷RUBY ROOMで、僕のソロ活動10周年記念のソロライブを開催します。





宣伝して、宣伝画像まで創って、更にこのDUOのテーマソング「大事な約束」まで創った僕が、1st LIVE をやる前に「脱退」して、それをこうしてお伝えするのは、自分でも「いくらなんでも違和感ありすぎ」なのですが()これが現実ですし僕の音楽人生です。













近日中な5/13金曜日の渋谷RUBY ROOMでのソロライブの詳細をお伝えしますので、暫しお待ち下さい。



3月20日 日曜日


As I already announced on my Twitter and the headline of the previous LIVE information blog, the 1st LIVE of "TIP (The Important Promise)" scheduled to be held at Asagaya Yellow Vision on Saturday, April 30 is dancer. Due to schedule problems and various circumstances with MAKI, it was canceled.

 We would like to take this opportunity to apologize.

 I'm sorry to everyone who was looking forward to it.

 And there was a story that I would play a solo live instead of this 4/30, but this time

 Leave a blank sheet on 4/30 and mine on Saturday 6/11

 It has been decided to perform a solo live at Asagaya Yellow Vision.

 * Before that (as I mentioned in the previous blog), I will hold a solo live at Shibuya RUBY ROOM on Friday, May 13th to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my solo activities.

 For the time being, these two will be live.

 To all the patrons, please leave the nights on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 6th and 11th.

 Regarding T.I.P, DUO was formed after hearing from dancer MAKI, but I would like to tell you that it was "my withdrawal" in conclusion.

 In other words, unfortunately the activities of T.I.P will be in the future.

 Never again.

 I was expecting it, advertising it, creating a promotional image, and even creating this DUO theme song "Important Promise".

 It's up to me to "leave" before doing the 1st LIVE and tell it in this way.

 "No matter how uncomfortable it is" (laughs), this is the reality, and if you've been playing music for a long time, I think that's what happens.  It was

 Anyway, to everyone who was looking forward to it

 I'm full of regrets.

 But as usual, heading for the next

 I usually live a life full of music from the tip of my feet to my head.

 I have no regrets or regrets about T.I.P, which ended with just the name.

 Play what you want to do.

 For customers who are willing to watch it

 Every day, I will devote myself to my own way, rigorously and happily, by mobilizing all my intelligence and physical strength so that my current expression will be shown in the best possible way.

 I didn't want to put it in parentheses, and I came all the way, so I left T.I.P.

 I'm still spending time as usual.

 Please look forward to the next.

 I'm writing more and more new songs.

I’ll tell you the details of the solo live at Shibuya RUBY ROOM on Friday the 13th, which is coming soon, so please wait for a while. 

Strongly wish for peace.

 See you soon!!

On Sunday, March 20