★HIROKI 1st Solo Single CD「Future Memories」をリリースします(ご予約受付開始しました)。作品の詳細、ご予約、ご購入の方法を記しています。※完全受注生産!〜HIROKI 1st Solo 1st CD "Future Memories" Detils is here!★

この度、昨年から少しずつお伝えしていた、HIROKI初のソロシングルCDFuture Memories」を遂にリリースします。



このHIROKI初のソロシングルCDFuture Memories」は、それ以前に僕が1人で全ての楽器を演奏して作った7曲入りソロ作品「TIME VARIATIONS」の中の「orange」「海の雫」「積乱雲」の3曲をバンド形式で、新たなアレンジとサウンドでレコーディングした作品です。

そして、この作品はロック界、ポップス界のみならず、ジャズ界でもご活躍されているスーパードラマーのTOSHI NAGAI(http://www.toshi-nagai.net/)こと永井利光さん(氷室京介さん、GLAYetc.)のお誘いにより実現した、夢のような素晴らしいレコーディングを経て、最高の作品が生まれました。


競さんのWeb Siteの「works」を見ると、氷室京介さん、GLAY、浅井健一さんを始め、競さんのクライアントミュージシャンの名前の大きさと歴史に心から尊敬の念を抱くと同時に、




超一流のドラマーのTOSHI NAGAIさんと、超一流のレコーディングエンジニアの競紀行さんとのレコーディングの中で、僕はElectric Guitar、コーラス、TOSHIさんとの共同プロデューサー、そして作品のアートワーク、デザインをやりました。

ベーシストは僕のライブでお馴染みのTommy(https://imbassgear9.wixsite.com/tommybass)が担当し、コーラスには僕が大好きな女性シンガーで親友の1人、Kate Beck(https://www.katebeckmusic.com/)が参加してくれて、2人共最高のパフォーマンスを吹き込んでくれました。













作品のタイトルの「Future Memories」は僕が作った造語です。一応外人の友人達にも問題無いと確認済なので、このタイトルに決めました。直訳すると「未来の想い出」ですが、解釈は自由で無限なので皆様にお任せします。




Future Memories」の価格は税込1500円です。























2020 626日     HIROKI 

I pleased to announce the release of HIROKI's first solo single CD, "Future Memories", which we have been introducing little by little since last year.

 It's no exaggeration to say that everything I've done so far has been packed up, and I would like to tell you more about this work and how to purchase it.

About this CD】

 This HIROKI's first solo single CD "Future Memories" is a solo work "TIME VARIATIONS" containing 7 songs that I made by myself playing all musical instruments before that "orange" and "Tear Drop of The Sea".  It is a work in which three songs of "Cumulonimbus" were recorded in a band format with a new arrangement and sound.

 And this work is Toshimitsu Nagai (TOSHI NAGAI (http://www.toshi-nagai.net/), a super drummer who is active not only in the rock and pop world but also in the jazz world. invitation made it possible to create the best work after a wonderful dream-like recording.

 In this work, TOSHI played all the drums, and also conducted the recording as a producer (co-produced with me).  The recording engineer is Noriyuki Kisou(http://vfv.co.jp/top/), who has been working with TOSHI for many years.

 Looking at "works" on Mr.Kisou's Web Site, he has a great respect for the size and history of Mr. Kyosuke Himuro, GLAY, and Kenichi Asai, as well as the name and history of his client musicians.

 When I think that my work has a name on it, I feel the joy and appreciation that cannot be expressed in words, and at the same time, my feelings tighten.

 I agree with TOSHI.

 Above all, it was a work that started with the invitation of TOSHI.

During the recording with the top-notch drummer TOSHI NAGAI and the top-notch recording engineer Kiyuki, I worked as an electric guitar, chorus, co-producer with TOSHI, and the artwork and design of the work.

 The bassist is Tommy (https://imbassgear9.wixsite.com/tommybass), who is familiar with my live performance, and one of my favorite female singers and close friends to the chorus, Kate Beck (https://www  .katebeckmusic.com/) participated and both of us put in the best performance.

 This is a work in which I recorded the 3 songs that I like most of my own songs and are popular at live concerts with the best and strongest members.  We take pride in being 100% or better.

 And the recording and mix of Ai-san (respecting my request) and mastering made this work even more colorful and tasty.

 At the time of the rough mix I just recorded, I felt that this work was comparable to the works on my home CD shelf, and it was the best result.

 And for the artwork of the work, I did all the design and layout from the used photos.  A special handmade jacket made of holographic paper, like a completely handmade record jacket (not passed through the factory), is one of the highlights of this work.

 All the pictures used for the jacket and lyrics card were taken by me.

 I photographed and processed both the seaside photos and the Ferris wheel photos for this artwork.

 I took advantage of it.

 I wanted to perfect the combination of sound and visual, and make it into a total art, and all my favorite artists do.

 Now anyone can make a visual CD with a "good or bad quality" design.

 I made everything by hand

 Because I wanted to draw a line from the quality (obtained by the development of smartphones and PCs) that "everyone is good, bad and high".

 I take pride in expressing my strong feelings as well as the sound.

The title of the work, "Future Memories," is a coined word that I made.  I've already decided that my foreign friends will have no problems, so I decided on this title.  The direct translation is "the memory of the future," but the interpretation is free and infinite, so I leave it to everyone.

 About the release one-man live】

 I do not have a prospect due to the influence of corona, but I will show you the strongest live with TOSHI's drums and a female bassist (surprised.I will release information as soon as the live is decided), so please with me  Please look forward to it for a while.

CD purchase method】

 The price of "Future Memories" is 1500yen including tax.

 And since the shipping fee is 180yen(*The shipping cost for shipping to  different),

 The total is 1680yen.

 The specially made handmade jacket created by our original method takes a lot of time and effort, so it will be "made to order".

 And it will be sold only by mail order or at the Live venue.

 If you would like to purchase,


 Or, please contact me on Twitter (@hirokiuchiyama) saying "I would like to purchase a CD".

 Your reservation is now complete.

 After that, we will tell you the details such as the reservation transfer account.

 When you can confirm your membership

 Your order is complete.

 The delivery time will change depending on the reservation situation, but it will take some time as mentioned above, so please understand and understand

 Thank you.

 *The special edition handmade jacket edition is limited to 30 pieces.

 And, I will attach a card spelled with self-liner notes to the 30 sheets.

 The subsequent lot will be the "Regular Edition Jacket".

 A special jacket board with special specifications that goes through the "HIROKI style" in all.

 The music and artwork are the best and the strongest, so please order as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Your expectations for this work will never betray you.

 I feel the greatest joy and pride in releasing this work.

 I'm confident that everyone who purchases this product will love it for a long time.

 I'm look forward to your order.  Come early.

 June 26, 2020      HIROKI