「TIME VARIATIONS」という作品はHIROKI初のソロアルバム(7曲入り)であり、作詞作曲は勿論の事、ボーカル、コーラス、ギター、ベース、ドラム、キーボード、ハンドクラップ、エンジニア、、そしてジャケットのデザインまで全て僕1人で仕上げた非常にパーソナルなソロアルバムです。
今年の5月下旬に自らミックスダウン、マスタリングを施し完成し、前記した某ミュージシャンとレコーディングに関係するミュージシャン達、ごく少数のそして親しい友人にお渡ししたのですが、とても評判が良く「これはデモ音源ではなくて、このまま作品としてリリース出来る」というお言葉を多数いただいた事と「買いたい!」というお客様が次々に現れて下さったので、後のバンドでのレコーディングはシングルという事に決め、この全て自分だけで創り上げた「TIME VARIATIONS DEMO」からDEMOという言葉を外し(そもそもデモと思って録っていないので)、タイトルを
「TIME VARIATIONS」と改めて税込1000円でリリースしたのです。
明日(11/23fri)、阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Vision にて開催するスペシャルライブ、HIROKI's SPECIAL LIVE
「TIME VARIATIONS 2018」では10数枚程、僕のセルフライナーノーツ(シンプルな解説です)が入った特製のフォトカード(写真も僕が撮影したもの)を同封して店頭で販売します。
このライナーノーツ入りフォトカードが入った「TIME VARIATIONS」は明日のライブ会場限定です。
では明晩、阿佐ヶ谷Yellow Visionでお待ちしております。
HIROKI 's first solo album (with 7 songs), I finished it all by myself to the design of songwriting, vocals, chorus, guitar, bass, drum, keyboard, hand clap, engineer, and jacket It is a very personal solo album.
Trigger which goes into production ※ To a certain famous musician "I do not make a solo work because I cooperate entirely? Either album or single, neither good" either, I received a wonderful invitation and gave it to the participating musicians including him "Demo sound source I tried to make it by myself.
Initially using a rhythm machine rough
I was making a sound source, but because I did not make the intended grooves and feelings I decided to hit the drum myself and I abandoned the feeling of a demonstration sound source and progressed as a "work poured all of me".
By the way, having struck the drum in full swing
Never once, I still had confidence in my sense and groove, so I did not feel any insecurity of experience.
Mixed down and mastering themselves in late May of this year and completed, I handed it to the musicians and musicians involved in the recording and a few very close friends as mentioned above, but it is very popular "This is a demonstration You can release it as a work as it is, not a sound source "
Customers named "I want to buy!" Have appeared one after another, so we decided that the recording in the later band was a single, and from this "TIME VARIATIONS DEMO" we created all by ourselves from "TIME VARIATIONS DEMO" called DEMO I removed a word (since I thought it was a demo in the first place)
"TIME VARIATIONS" was again released at 1000 yen including tax.
Even if we say release, we do not announce the release in particular, and it is only for sale in the form of a simple sale that sells by hand to those who requested purchase.
Special live to be held at Asagaya Yellow Vision tomorrow (11 / 23fri), HIROKI's SPECIAL LIVE
I enclose a photo card (characteristic of a photograph that I shot) containing about 10 or so, my self liner notes (a simple commentary) and sell it at the shop.
"TIME VARIATIONS" containing photo card with liner notes is for live venue tomorrow only.
The price is 1000 yen including tax.
Please purchase by all means.
Thanking you in advance.
I do not have a lyrics card, but I will upload all lyrics (with English translation) at this blog within this year so please look forward to it.
Special live is finally in the evening.
It is a full moon night.
Please expect to see your eyes and watch it.
We will show live more than expected so please look forward to it!
Well, tomorrow, we will be waiting at Asagaya Yellow Vision.
※ "A certain musician" can not disclose information on SNS yet, but I'll let you know when I released the songs with 3 songs I recorded the next time next year.